Just now getting to this one, again catching up. Earlier this semester, Dr. Pam Monteleone had asked me if I would be up for working on her annual Playwrights Project at UNF, and since I had a blast last year (writing, directing, and acting...okay, not so much the acting), I readily agreed. Also, I was only too happy to help out a lady that I think does a thankless job for her students, and not only receives unwarranted apathy, but even abuse for giving so much to them, and only expecting competence and enthusiasm in return. Anyway, I also agreed because it was an opportunity to round up some of my former Imagination Players Troupe members, and work togethe
r again. The one act play I was assigned was entitled "Amber & Eve," a short piece about an actress who is forced to make a choice between fulfilling her dream of being onstage, and threatening her relationship with her father...since she has to kiss another woman in the play. It was written by a UNF student named Chris Hill, and he played a part in it as well. After meeting with Chris and going over some rewrites, I was excited about getting my cast together and starting on a two-week production. Now, remember, I was also producing the GCFF, casting/cutting Midsummer Night's Dream, teaching, and battling my dread
ed illness throughout the entire month of December. I hope my cast will forgive me if at times I acted less than graciously, and only human. Anyway, my cast was ALL-STAR, not that I didn't have other especially talented people that I couldn't work with for one reason or another, but I was just thrilled about working with my cast...and since I didn't get paid for the gig...my level of enjoyment was paramount. The cast included Chris Hill, the writer, as Nick, the incomparable Hollie Barrett as Jessica (the lead), the sultry Sheena Branton-Nichols as Star, the wonderful Jenny Young as Jasmine, Matt "Pecker" Crews as the Reverend (father of Jessica), the unstoppable Steve Scruby as Bud, and...(drum roll)...the one...the only...Dark One himself...Lazenby as the
Director. My crew for the show consisted of my stage manager, and understudy for whoever happend to be late or unable to attend: Big Mo. The brilliant Sasquatch-like boy they call my "son," was not only reliable, but remarkable and his contributions to the success of our show cannot be fairly recounted here. My cast met with me every day for 2 hours, 2 weeks straight, right up to the dress rehearsal and two nights of performance. I will not just say that I was proud...because that would be too small. No, I was ecstatic (like Mike Tyson), ecstatic on the performances they gave. While our Saturday night performance was marred by people who kept arriving late...the Sunday one was better managed, and I thought
more effective as a whole. Hollie was her usual impressive self, Sheena humanized a problematic unidimensional role, Jenny moved the audience with her emotional performance, Matt likewise made the most of a flat role, Chris acquitted himself in his first performance admirably, Steve breathed life and humor into the performance as the hormonally-intense Bud, and Lazenby...Lazenby was Lazenby, and the crowd went wild, as usual. (It's amazing how many parts we can find where Lazenby can just play himself to a higher or lower level of affectation...and it works.) I also want to thank all my people who came out to watch the show...those that saw, and the less-than punctual ones who came Sunday and were locked out during our p
erformance. It was a lot of work, and I admit to questioning my decision to do the thing many times during the production, but I never had anything but fun when I was surrounded by, and working with my people again. Anyway, that's about it...next show I'm doing is Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream which opens on the first weekend of March. Make plans to attend...
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